The Facts:

Experience . . . Experience . . . Experience . . .

Pete is also a producer and engineer for other artists:

Built by a musician for musicians, Pete Miller's self- designed multitrack recording studio was tucked away behind yuppie boutiques and restaurants on San Francisco's chic Union Street for 25 years. A quiet courtyard led to the studio entrance where he offered a complete production service for record manufacturing and promotion. Pete is proud to have played a part in the production and success of dozens of albums and singles and countless demo recordings.

Here is a partial list of artists that Pete has produced and/or engineered:

Arlo Guthrie - Avengers - Bandido - Beatlemania Cast - Belfast Cowboys - Beyond Possession - Byrnie Baker Band - Breakouts - Borneo - Black Dolls - Blue Angels - Christ on Parade - Clive Stevens Band - Crucifix - Colorblind James Experience - Data - Deathwatch - Defeatist Attitude - Detonator - D.J, Lebowitz - Dial 9 - Dominik Delauff - Elements of Style - Esmeralda - Eva Jay Fortune - Exposure - Faction - Fallen Angel - Fast Floyd and the Famous Firebirds - Flatmen - Four Wheel Drive - Fools Brigade - Frank Discussion - German Shepherds - Glen Burtness - Glendon Smith and the Mavericks - Heros - Hoi Polloi - Home of the Brave - Hotsing - Java - Jimmy Knight and the Daze - Johnny and the Potato Chips - Johnny Nitro and the Doorslammers - Kelley Scholtz - Kwaku Daddy - Kingfish - Kingsnakes - Killerwatt - Latin Jazz Quartet - Main Drive - Maggots - Marshall Crenshaw - Mary Monday - M 1 Alternative - Mojo - Mud Dogs - Murray the K - My Sin - New Giraffes - News - Necromantics - Non F iction - Norman Salant - Nuance - Pink Section - Pushead - Rambling Jack Elliott - Rockamatics - Rockin Daddy - Roy Loney and the Phantom Movers - Reign - Ruen - Rhythm Pigs - Saddle Up - SamI am - Scept ic Death - Social Unrest - Softies - Snuky Tate - Sleepers - Saint Bartholomews Choir - Steve Ashman - Stu Blank Band - State of Mind - Steve Douglas - Sweat - Sunset - 2.3 Children - Taxi - Ten Bright Spikes - Temper Temper - Tony Perez - Tommy Castro - Toys in the Attic - Toons - Tuxedomoon - Undersongs - Valkays - Vauxhall - Vicky Lee and the Convertibles - Voice Farm -- and this doesn't even include any of the bands he recorded in England during the 60s

Pete's personal discography from 1958 to the present > > >

1958 Introducing t he Offbeats - Peter Miller & the Offbeats

(E.P.) Magnegraph Records (LeadGuitar/Composer)


1962 Ever Since you Said Goodbye - Marty Wilde

(45) Philips 326546 (Lead Guitar)


1962 Can Can 62/Redskins - Peter Jay & the Jaywalkers

(45) Decca 11531 (Lead Guitar)


1963 Totem Pole/Jaywalker - Peter Jay & the Jaywalkers

(45) Decca 11593 (Lead Guitar)


1963 Poet and Peasant/Ooh lala! - Peter Jay & the Jaywalkers

(45) Decca 11659 (Lead Guitar)


1964 Kansas City/Parade of the Tin Soldiers - Peter Jay & the Jaywalkers

(45) Decca 11840 (Lead Guitar/Vocal)


1964 If You Love Me/You Girl - Peter Jay & the Jaywalkers

(45) Decca 11917 (Lead Guitar/Vocal)


1964 Where Did Our Love Go/Caroline - Peter Jay &the Jaywalkers

(45) Piccadilly 35199 (LeadGuitar/Vocal)


1964 Tonight You're Gonna Fall/RedCabbage - Peter Jay & the Jaywalkers

(45) Piccadilly 35212 (LeadGuitar/Vocal)


1964 Kansas City - Peter Jay & the Jaywalkers

(Album compilation: Ready Steady Go!) Decca 4577 (Lead Guitar/Vocal)


1965 Parchman Farm/What Two Can Easily Do - Peter Jay & the Jaywalkers

(45) Piccadilly 35220 (Vocal/LeadGuitar)


1965 Before The Beginning/Solitaire - Peter Jay & theJaywalkers

(45) Piccadilly 35259 (Lead Guitar/Composer)


1965 The Entertainer/I Count the Tears - The News

(45) Decca 12356 (Lead Guitar)


1965 Spectre/Solitaire - Sounds Orchestral

(Album) Piccadilly 38016 (Composer)


1966 Baby I got News for You/Girl With the Castle - Miller

(45) Columbia 7972 (Vocal/LeadGuitar/Composer)


1966 Stop! - The Knack

(45) Polydor 602005 (Composer)


1966 The Baby Song - Boz

(45) Columbia 7735 (Composer)


1966 Rumpelstiltskin -The Magic Lanterns

(45) CBS 202250 (Lead Guitar)


1967 Stop! - Dan et Vanny

(45) Barclay 71080 (Composer)


1966 Cold Turkey/My Love is Like a Spaceship - Big Boy Pete

(45) Camp 602005 (Vocal/LeadGuitar/Composer)


1968 Playboy - Freddie and the Dreamers

(45) Columbia 7929 (Composer)


1974 Music From Little Flint - Pete Miller

(Album) .22 Records TT2201 (Vocal/LeadGuitar/Composer)


1978 Can Can 62/Totem Pole - Peter Jay & the Jaywalkers

(Album Compilation: The Joe Meek Story) Decca 19076 (Lead Guitar)


1979 I Hate Disco Music -Marshall Crenshaw

(45) Loral 001 (Backing Vocalist)


1981 Pre C.B.S. - Peter Miller

(Album) .22 Records TT2202 (Vocal/LeadGuitar/Composer)


1983 Can Can 62 - Peter Jay & the Jaywalkers

(Album Compilation: The Decca Originals Volume 4) Decca TAB65 (Lead Guitar)


1983 Can Can 62 - Peter Jay & the Jaywalkers

(Album Compilation: Twenty One Hit Wonders) See For Miles Records CM124 (Lead Guitar)


1984 Cold Turkey - Naz Nomad and the Nightmares

(Album track) Bigbeat WIK21(Composer)


1986 Rockin' is My Bizness - Peter Miller

(Album) .22 Records TT2203 (Vocal/LeadGuitar/Composer)


1989 Baby I Got News for You - Miller

(Album Compilation: English Freakbeat Volume 3) Archive International AIP10048 (Vocal/Lead Guitar/Composer)


1995 Double Diamonds - Shig & Buzz

(CD) Maitai DD0103 (Lead Guitar/Composer)


1995 Spectre - Shig & Buzz

(CD Compilation: Secret Agent Sounds) Maitai DD0118 (Lead Guitar/Composer)


1995 Swept Away - Shig & Buzz

(CD Compilation: 21st. Century Surf Sounds) Orange ORA1007 (Lead Guitar/Composer)


1996 Good Luck Charm - Shig & Buzz

(CD) Sheena Music MCE38 (Lead Guitar/Composer)


1996 Homage To Catatonia - Big Boy Pete

(Album) Tenth Planet TP026 (Vocal/LeadGuitar/Composer)


1997 Summerland - Peter Miller

(Album) Tenth Planet TP030 (Vocal/LeadGuitar/Composer)


1997 Homage To Catatonia - Big Boy Pete

(CD) Bacchus Archives BA1123 (Vocal/LeadGuitar/Composer)


1998 Return To Catatonia - Big Boy Pete

(Album) Tenth Planet TP035 (Vocal/LeadGuitar/Composer)


1999 Baby I Got News For You - Peter Miller

(CD Compilation: The Story of Oak Records) Wooden Hill WHCD007 (Vocal/Lead Guitar/Composer)


1999 Baby I Got News For You - The Bristols

(CD Track from - Tune In with...) Damaged Goods 193CD (Composer)


1999 Me/Nasty Nazi - Big Boy Pete

(45) 3 Acre Floor Records 3eeAC05 (Vocal/LeadGuitar/Composer)


1999 Psycho-Relics - Big Boy Pete

(CD) Bacchus Archives BA 1137 (Vocal/LeadGuitar/Composer)


1999 Return To Catatonia - Big Boy Pete

(CD) Gear Fab Records GF-139 (Vocal/LeadGuitar/Composer)


2000 Summerland - Pete Miller

(CD) Gear Fab Records GF-147(Vocal/LeadGuitar/Composer)


2000 WORLD WAR IV. . .A Symphonic Poem - Big Boy Pete

(CD) Gear Fab Records GF-157(Vocal/LeadGuitar/Composer)


2001 WORLD WAR IV. . .A Symphonic Poem - Big Boy Pete

(Album) Comet Records GFC-414 (Vocal/LeadGuitar/Composer)



(CD) Raucous Records RAUCD-105 (Vocal/LeadGuitar)


2002 BIG BOY PETE TREATS - The Squires of the Subterrain

(CD) Rocket Racket Records RRCD-209 (Composer/Producer)


2002 STRAWBERRIES ON SUNDAY - The Squires of the Subterrain

(CD) Rocket Racket Records RRCD-210 (Co-Producer)



(CD Compilation) Raucous Records RAUCD-120(Vocal)



(CD) Gear Fab Records GF-206 (Vocal/Lead Guitar/Composer)


2005 ROCK-OLA - Bonney & Buzz

(CD) Double Crown Records DCCD-20 (Lead Guitar/Composer)



(CD) Angel Air Records SJPCD-224 (Vocal/Lead Guitar/Composer)


2007 ROCK IT RACKET- The Squires of the Subterrain and Big Boy Pete

(CD) Rocket Racket Records RRCD2112 (Vocal/Lead Guitar)


2007 SEASONAL FAVORITES vol.2 - Big Boy Pete

(CD Compilation) Double Crown Records DCCD28 (Vocal/Guitar)


2008 BANG IT AGAIN! - Bonney & Buzz

(CD) Double Crown Records DCCD29 (Guitar)


2010 BARK! - Big Boy Pete

(CD) 22 Records TT2203-A (Guitar and Composer)


2010 WINKLEPICKIN - Big Boy Pete and the Offbeats Skiffle Group

(CD) 22 Records TT2204 (Vocals, Guitar and Composer)


2010 BE DREAMERS - Kelley Stoltz

(CD) Sub Pop Records SP890 (Guitar, Composer and Producer of one track)


2011 MERRY SKIFFLEMAS - Big Boy Pete and Hilton Valentine

(CD) 22 Records TT-2205 (Vocals, Guitar, Composer)


2012 JAYWALKIN' - Peter Jay and the Jaywalkers
(CD) Cherry Red Records, Retro 906 (Lead Guitar/Composer)


2012 PLAY ROUGH - Bonney & Buzz
(CD) Double Crown Records DCCD 47 (Guitars/Composer)


2012 CCOLD TURKEY - Big Boy Pete
(CD) Gear Fab Records GF 258 (Vocals/Guitars/Composer)


2013 HITMEN - Big Boy Pete and The Squire
(CD) Rocket Racket Records RRCD221 (Vocals/Guitars/Composer)


(CD) 22 Records TT-2206 (Vocals/Guitars/Composer)


2016 MILLER'S TALES - Big Boy Pete
(DVD) 22 Records TT-2207 (Vocals/Guitars/Composer)

. . . and he's still going ! ! !

Now perhaps you see how AIA can offer you 2 courses for the price of one - a Recording Engineer course AND a Music Producer course.

Peter Miller — (415) 752-0701 (9 am - 5 pm PST)

Peter is proud to announce that one of his students has won a Grammy Award!



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