Our Track Record of Graduate Success

These letters come from people like you who had an interest in recording. We are proud of these students, and their comments show what can be done by those who set their goals high and go for it. WE DID NOT SOLICIT OR CHANGE ANY OF THESE LETTERS


I was a student of AIA in the year 2003. I received a Grammy for the movie "Slumdog Millionaire" and I am now a member of the Recording Academy. I had been working as an Audio Engineer for 5 years before i got to know about AIA. Once i did the course with you, i realized what i had been missing until then - my basics. The core structure of the course was very unique and it has helped me shape up my career as an Audio Engineer and i see the benefits of it to this day. Thank you AIA. P.A. Deepak, Visakhapatnam, India - Mix Engineer and Music Producer


FANTASTIC!  I absolutely love the course and it actually has given me the confidence that i can learn this stuff.  I registered for another course "audio masterclass" and it was so dry and technical that i thought i am just incapable of learning this stuff.  Your course however is made for normal people and also the way it is constructed actually creates a real life atmosphere.  It feels as if i am really in a serious studio working already.  GREAT JOB!! Sean Burns - Columbus, OH


Just wanted to say thank you for the certificate! I feel so very mega-proud of it, and will frame it up on my home studio wall as soon as possible! Once again, i appreciate you and the entire AIA team for such an amazing, well put together course. My audio production career has truly taken a quantum leap forward for the better. I will make sure i tell all my music producer friends to enroll this wonderful course! Thanks ever so much, Mr Miller, you've been a true inspiration to me. Kindest regards Dr Oluseyi Ayankogbe, Lagos, Nigeria


I had a Stint with SAE way back in 2001. THIS COURSE "KICKS SAE'S BACK". I'm Glad that I made the good decision. For me an Authorized Diploma is Required for the profession I'm into...Thats the reason I'm taking up this Course. - Amuthan Sundar - Chennai, India



I took your course and graduated in 1996. I loved every minute of it! It has helped me to land several very big live and recording jobs. I have enjoyed some great success these last 15 years and have worked with the likes of Van Morrison, Buddy Guy, George Strait, Usher, Snoop Dog, and many many more. I literally have a list pages long. Thanks, Tory Robertson - Dallas, TX

This course is just what I have been looking for. It is an affordable and comprehensive program with which I can set my own schedule. It is not only good for persons seeking employment as a recording engineer, but also provides excellent information for the musician recording in their own home studio." J. WILKIE BROWN, Chamblee, GA

Thank you.  Sammy Blata - Calgary, Canada


I just got the printed course yesterday and in just an hour of studying I got a lot knowledge about the recording art, I can see clearly what the industry is about in just few pages of study, what is in the course is worth a hundred times more than what you charge. Thank you for helping the world to get great and unique knowledge we can't find elsewhere. The course is very friendly, efficient, simple to understand, rich and constructive. Thank you once again. Karume Asangama. Dar es salaam, Tanzania.


I would like to say that the audio engineering course that i studied with AIA was really worth it. Every now and then I continue reviewing it over and over specially for the times I am into sound reinforcements setups. I say thank you once again for the wonderful knowledge you are sharing into the music industry. I am recommending your on-line course to my students who are really interested with audio engineering. Lou-Riz Garcia, Singapore


 "I own a MIDI recording studio where I compose radio and TV commercials. This course is a God-send to me. I now sit behind my console with more confidence. The quality of my recordings is getting better with each new project thanks to AIA. Sincerely." HENRY A. MOSS, Nassau, Bahamas


"So there were schools that wanted all kinds of money, and I figured what am I going to learn at that price. Then I found out about the Audio Institute of America. After four or five years of mixing everyday with mixes that just weren't (right) I opened the manual that had all the answers to what I was looking for. After looking around on the internet trying to get that sound that I knew in my mind, when I opened the manual, I was a huge sponge. It solved the problems that I was looking to solve. THANKS so much for a Great Course. Dean Morrison Venier -  Moose Jaw, Canada".  


"I’ve received the diploma – thank you very much (it looks really good).  It’ll be framed soon and hung in my studio :-) I also want to tell you how much I’ve enjoyed studying your course – and how much it actually helped me understanding the myths of recording and mixing.  I was able to implement a lot of new procedures in my own musical projects. This course will most ce rtainly help me running my own Recording Studio which I plan to open in spring of next year.  The binder which contains the course will always have its spot on the audio bookshelf in my studio – always an arms reach away.  It’ll always be very handy to look up certain procedures, explanations or other important things that might have escaped my memory".  Heinz Karnitschar, Edmonton, Canada


Dear Mr. Miller, You've made my dream come true. For every career to take in life there has to be a foundation, and by your veteran experience and knowledge you've instilled on me more than the FIRM FOUNDATION of this profession. I felt the classroom of 1 on 1 teacher to student. I would say, you're a GREAT GIFTED TEACHER ! And NOW, it's my part to carry on and make you proud too ! Overjoy Shimrah - Naga, India


"I Graduated in the year 2015. I was into music production before the course but after my studies at AIA, I realized a massive upgrade in my  production skills. AIA  made my dream come true and I won the Best music Producer of EMA 2017 in Ghana. I am proud Graduate of AIA and it's really worth it. I recommend AIA to anyone who is interested with audio engineering course online. Thank you BigBoy for the inspiration." SwanzyKin - Accra,Ghana.



As a 1997 honor graduate of AIA, I accomplished more than expected, working as music supervisor in TVR - the Romanian National Television. Of course I tell everyone about AIA - it's in my curriculum. My gratitude and best regards. ILIE VORVOREANU, Bucharest, Romania.



"I do not regret taking AIA's course, it is excellent. I will heartedly recommend it to everyone interested in really learning about the world of sound engineering. I have built my own 24 track studio, following the advice from AIA. I have already engineered two singles, 10-12 demos and now working on CD production. My studio will be the leading one in the North Norwegian market. I am proud to be the owner of a diploma from AIA." IVAN TZATCHEV, Tomasjord, Norway


Having completed my course, I am feeling on top of the world. Thanks to you, I have been able to achieve what I had always dreamed of. The sequence of the lessons is spot on. After the third part I could easily have made the decision to open up my studio then and there, but my wait to finish all 5 parts has paid off. Now I am much more confident in deciding what I exactly need and what I don't. It's been AIA that has changed my life. The journey has begun . . . Sudhir B. Khollam - Maharashtra, India



"After completion of your course I became employed as an audio tech and 2nd. mastering engineer at an audio company in my home town. The AIA training has paid its dividends and I'm sure it will provide valuable information in the future as I expand my recording endeavors." CHRIS WOODS, Fointian Inn, SC


20"As recording technology constantly changes, buying the wrong equipment, or not fully understanding the gear you work with can get confusing and expensive. This is why I first became interested in the AIA home-study course. After completing the course, I heard a significant improvement in my recording projects. I've now produced many masters with local clients. The info has been most reliable and useful. I would recommend this course to anyone interested in music production." CARL P. CATALANO A.A.S., Hialeah, FL




"After completing your wonderful course, I felt more confident about my abilities as engineer. I save much time and money at the studio recording my own material. I am currently doing sound design for an upcoming feature film. I owe it all to AIA."GEORGE MELENDEZ, Chicago, IL



"I constantly flip through the lessons and pick up something new. It's very rewarding to be able to apply what I've learned to my own home portastudio set-up. I'm now making plans to go full speed ahead and build a professional 16 track facility. Thanks for your advice on which equipment to buy." LORNA JOLLIFFE, Miami, FL



"I'm really awed by your association with the Beatles and Rolling Stones. I know as a teacher you're trying to play down these famous connections but your experiences from those years really sparkle in the course. In the past few weeks I have recorded two live bands. I am now mixing the tracks and hope to sell the completed CDs at the next show. Thanks for your terrific course." STACIA LEE, Los Angeles, CA



"Please accept my thanks for your very well designed audio course. I am a professional musician of about 20 years experience and I find the course most enjoyable and useful. I recently produced two singles, one of which is on the National Charts at No. 6." C.D.M. KIRATU, Nairobi, Kenya


"I have found the material in the training manual to be very informative, well balanced, and easy to understand. The subject matter in the various chapters is very detailed. I hold the Audio Institute of America in high regard and tell people about the Institute every chance I get." JOHN FAULKINBURY, Big Bear Lake, CA



"I am very satisfied with this course. It has got everything you need to know. I now help a local band on their gigs as a live sound engineer, they trust me totally because of my skills. I am also building my MIDI home-studio, which I'm planning to expand to a professional 24 track studio in the future." MICAEL JOHANSSON, Karlsborg, Sweden

This course was very important to me because I had opportunity to improve my professional life and actually I can use this in my home studio - Luiz Carlos Mazzgi Filmo - Sao Paulo, Brazil


"As soon as I saw the course material I knew it was a winner. Obviously it is the work of many years experience and thoughtful planning. It is just incredibly thorough! Apart from the sheer volume of information - a five hundred page manual - wow! - it has really improved my sensitivity to music and the art of recording it. The course has opened up many interesting recording projects. All in all I was just delighted with this course. Great stuff! I thoroughly recommend it. Excellent value for money."GRAHAM HORNE, Te Awamutu, New Zealand.


"I find this course very effective in providing a broad spectrum of knowledge and practical tips. I thank you for the opportunity that AIA has given me to enrich my knowledge in this field. The course material and Action-Audio CDs provide a "user-friendly" package. I'm sure that in times to come I will refer back to this course in the fields of recording and sound reinforcement." JAN P. de B. OTTO, Capetown, South Africa



"I can't thank you enough for offering this incredible course. I've recently recorded several demos with a band and I'm currently doing a few other recording projects. The section on microphone placement alone is worth much more than the tuition fee. I highly recommend this course to all musicians who record. With the knowledge from AIA, one can improve his or her recording techniquesplus make an enjoyable second income. Thanks AIA."PETER LAM, Sask. Canada


madawaMy name is Madawa Hewawasam and I am from Sri Lanka; a country where professional recording schools hard to find. I completed your course in 2004 as an honor graduate. I have to admit I have become one of the reputed figures in the local recording industry; working as a freelancer in few leading recording studios in Sri Lanka while being employed as a recording engineer in a self owned studio. For the past few years I have engineered over 200 local mainstream albums which most of them are best sellers and the AIA course has been the launchpad for my success providing me with a valuable knowledge of tips & tricks of the trade.


marksgirlThe course itself was terrific and Peter has mastered the technique of making the student believe in him or herself. It was the "kick in the ..." I needed to achieve my dream of becoming a Recording Engineer. - Prunella Paisley, Studio Manager, Digital Salutations


I'm just writing this message to you to express my gratitude to your wonderful service of educating the world about the sound and training record engineers and music producers. I'm sitting in front of my diploma and reflecting my success, without you it couldn't be possible. Karume Asangama, Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania



Hi!, My name is Ferrer, I was your student 10 years ago, and I just want to say Thank you again, I'm living from this profession here in Mexico, I have my own (commercial) recording studio, If you have a chance please visit us at I'm happy of every aspect that I learned there in AIA. I Just wanted to say hello an thanks. Ferrer Leon. 

The tone of the writing is easy to read and the course is wonderfully engaging. Everything is easy to understand and straightforward. Amanda K. Berger - Poulsbo, WA

I want to complement you for the simplicity, practicality and logical process of learning audio engineering. I am loving it. Rajendra Vaishampayan - Mumbai, India.

Thanks a million, and yes the courses are one of the best!  I can study at my own pace and still have time for family and work. The knowledge I've gained is worth 50k at Full Sail or any other university in the field of music production.  I've learned that a BA in recording arts means diddely-squat compared to real knowledge and experience.  I can actually have conversations with engineers and understand that jargon I once was oblivious to. This school ROCKS!!! Ralph Orlando - Carolina, PR

 "I think you guys are doing a great job. I have been hired in a recording studio here in Ottawa. The owner of the studio has looked at my course and has had nothing but good things to say about you and the people at AIA. He has allowed me to put my diploma on the studio wall. All I know is that it was the best thing that I could have done, enrolling in AIA. I get up each day looking forward to that next session."TRACEY PROVOST, Ottawa, Canada

With a grateful heart i express my sincere thanks for your letter conveying my success in "Audio Engineering Diploma course". Already i am preparing the students for Trinity College of Music examinations. I am composing music for two feature films and i hope to get some more assignments in the field of music. I will be in touch with AIA and keep you informed about my achievements. I thank you very much once again. I really enjoyed studying Audio engineering course. Warm Regards - R.Premanandh, Chennai, India

I appreciate my Diploma very much and I'm honored and proud to acquire it from AIA. Cheers! Lou Garcia, Technical/Sales Support at Yamaha, Audio Engineer - Singapore

The course is terrific, and I am doing a bit of recording already using the new information I've learned, and my recorded tracks are definitely sounding more professional.  Upgraded some of my equipment and pretty much all of my technique and am looking forward to a lot more improvement in the near future. Thanks, Bill Studley

Thank you. I am already using everything I have learned from your course. I just recorded my first drum tracks and the drum studio where I am a student. I used all that I have learned in the recording session I just had last week. This week I will be going to lay my bass tracks and guitar solo and some other vocals. So I thank you for putting such a great course out there for us do it ourselves musicians.: ) Now I can get my first CD finished without having to worry about others not showing up for their jobs.: ) So thank you once again. Alicia Slade - Lakehurst, NJ

Thank you so much sir for your positive approach when I called you yesterday. In fact i was sitting the whole nite thru in front of the computer till 5 am to know more abt u. I read about you and downloaded some of your songs. What I say is its was my privilege for a lifetime to speak to such a legendary idol who moved along with rolling stones and beatles. I was in awe to realise that i have indeed heard you speak to me in person. While everyone of your time have dissolved I see you are still on the move. That sounds great and exciting, sir. I am doing my 3rd year in dentistry but i wanna say... "screw everything'..i wanna go after what my heart longs for...Music ! I'll soon be enrolling in your course as i come bac from my hols. I want to be your privileged student and lift your banner high and want to take your legacy everywhere I go, man i was taught by Peter Miller himself. I long to come to america and visit you if destiny has that written in my life...a million cheers to The BIG BOY PETE!!!!   Hip HIp Hurray!!! :-) your's sincerely, Sunil Kumar - India

Your approach is unique, simple yet profound the knowledge is better and superior to the others I went through. Martin Pereira, Singapore

The course is awesome. the knowledge you learned over the years Mr. Miller, is helping me progress at reaching my goals. Thank you for your blessing. Greg McCarthy

I applaud you on the work putting this together! I am interested in digital mixing and mastering. This last unit was tough, learning the parameters of compression and EQ. I am anxious to apply what I learned in some of my digital pieces but still don't know where to begin. I am very much looking forward to the remainder of this course! thank you! Dean Caputo - Apex, NC

This is a well organized, well structured course and I can recommend this course to all music loving artists through out the world. It is not only about recording and you will find all the elements of music in one course. This diploma will be the stepping stone for all your success. Chameera Buddhadasa (Sri Lanka/USA)

Not blowing smoke here.  Very, very impressed with the overall breadth and depth of coverage.  Really. David Murray - Goose Bay, Canada

You are completely wonderful. Thank you AIA and big human PETER MILLER.- Nejat yüksekdaÄ? - Izmir, Turkey

I've never found or heard of a more generous course than this one. I'm really enjoying each lesson, which not only offer a great deal of detailed information, but which is also very inspiring and encouraging, with a slight touch of humor. Thank you! Cynthia Chebaby, Antelias - Lebanon

Hi!  I'm dealing with music about 30 years and I wish I knew you before. I feel myself now much more powerful, productive and knowledgeable about music.  Thank you Big Master PETER M?LLER and AIA. I'm looking forward to my diploma. - Nejat Yüksekda? - Izmir, Turkey

Your course is great...there is a lot of value information that i never knew before.

When I finish studying it I'm planning, with your permission of course, to translate it into the Arabic language and teach it here. - Ammar M. Ali Albouni.

Great course! I was not expecting to learn as much as I have. - Michael Orcutt, Ballston Spa, New York

This is a fantastic course. - Manuel Collier, Hartford CT

The info in the course is excellent. David Skilling - Staines, England.

Well done for all your efforts and dedication towards the sound engineer course. The course was very clearly detailed and informative. Every procedure and equipment was explained in detail with clear simplified examples. John Tanti, Malta.

Hi,  just wanted to let you know that the files work like a charm now. I can click on Action Audio and hear the sounds.  I'm really digging the little tunes! - Ronnie Lane,Memphis TN

Thank you so much for the wonderful course.  I finished it today and I learned a lot.  I just wanted to let you know I really enjoyed it.  I can't wait for my diploma so I can frame it!  I mainly do audio restoration and forensics but here and there I mix and master music for clients. Nathan Clark, Blaine -NM

I have enrolled in your course under six months ago and it have been one of the best things that I have done for my advancement in this field of music/entertainment that I am pursuing. Thank you for providing this wonderful course (Sound Engineering and Music Production). I have no regrets except I should have toke this course sooner. I have read all kind of books on sound engineering and music production but nothing sums it up best as you have. Your course have build my confidence working in the studio with different artist. I could go on and on but I would just like to Thank You. Cemo Fredericks, Capitol Heights - MD

I really enjoy the course, no time pressure given as it is for me difficult during summer season and full time job and part time musician to complete the course quickly. Cannot find anything to improve. I am very happy with it. Thank you. Nicole Lossin - Vilamoura, Portugal

Course is great so far, love the charming attitude throughout and your method is a fun way to learn. Cheers. Matt Maddaloni - Squamish, Canada

I am writing you to thank you for putting this course together. I have been in studios before , but had never really went through the entire session from beginning to end as the course suggest. This course really gives me the confidence to pursue a recording engineer career now. For me this was the missing link to tie in what I had already been exposed to some history and tactics for normal studio operations. Again thank you for the course. Monquet Thomas, Atlanta, GASunil Kumar - India

The AIA course was very helpful.  Aside from doing motion graphics, I now do sound design, doing some educational recording projects and doing live sound enhancement.   Barnie Paul Geroy - The Philippines

What a deal for what this course is all  about. You have the most thorough course on this subject I have ever seen and in the past I had finished up 2 Associate Degrees, one in General Technology and one in Music Business Technology and had some of the Recording courses in the program, but I find yours the best. Dale Paul Lindsey - Doylestown, OH

TO MR. PETER MILLER A hundred cheers to your course. I'm just half way through. But i learned about the right equipment and a lots of recording techniques. Today I'm releasing my first single. Its sung in hindi by my friend. I gave the tune to this song and did all the music editing in protools. I played the solos and other parts. Another friend of mine helped me by singing the back up vocals. I hope you would evaluate and advise me a few tips. I hope i made you proud in a small way at least. As I go ahead in life i'll surely make much superior records and be a proud student of AIA with a grateful and happy heart, Sunil Kumar - INDIAa

I personally love this course. I taught myself a lot of things in this music industry but this course has given me a true knowledge of whats going on in the setup. Now i not only know how to run many of the limiters ,compressors ,expanders ,equalizers , etc. Now I know how to use and set them all. Thank you so much I am so excited to finish the course and get my diploma with honors I hope. Thanks again this course is the reason that I am actually earning royalties and pay for studio time - Joseph Davenport,  Montreal MO

I am enjoying the course very much and am learning a great deal that will help me greatly in my music. Bill Edwards - Nerang, Australia

Your course was taken by my daughter's father (Romesh Yatawara) and her uncle (Kishan Yatawara) about 20 years ago from Hong Kong and both are sound Engineers with leading advertising agencies and formerly national radio stations. Sharon Perera - Sri Lanka

I can't think of a better approach to. I'm absolutely satisfied with the course, it was far more than I expected, and to be honest.. I think the course's way too cheap! I mean, I got theory, audio lessons (invaluable), I see you've added clips of video too... and a legend as the instructor. What more can a student ask? I'm really happy and glad I found you. Thank you, and Congratulations! - Aldo Miguel Benegas - Paraguay

"I just wanted to say thank you, and that I really enjoyed the course. I certainly have learned a lot more than I already new. I especially look forward to applying what I have learned in my own home recordings.  Thanks again Peter. I will definitely recommend the AIA course to anyone I come across that would be interested in taking an online course."  Dave Woolley - Langley, Canada

i was very surprised with the contents of your course, there was a lot of practical information and your approach was quite interesting. although i learned audio basics twenty years ago, your lessons were very refreshing and i´ve learned a few things that i didn´t find somewhere else. the best was that you opened my mind to come back to the analog audio path. I´ve been working for four years on classical recordings, and little by little i´m convinced that for this kind of music analog devices have no rival, worst you can try with digital but is very expensive and complicated to bring everything in sync and with a natural sound. i suppose the answer is to find the best of both worlds. anyway i want to thank you again. Jose Fernandez - Bogota, Colombia

You guys are doing such an amazing job, I love this course. It's such an amazing course and so knowledgeable. By the way, my mixes sound amazing all thanks to you and your course god bless you Peter long live rock and roll!!!! Thanks guys. - Paolo Sciulli - Werribee, Australia

Thank you so much Mr Miller, I will stay in touch with AIA and let you know all about my career achievements. This course was really what I was looking for amazing and I am more then Happy to be a AIA student graduate with the Honor By Mr Peter Miller himself. Thank you Again - Jean Michel Désir, Venice CA

I just wanted to say i've enjoyed taking this course very much. It is well laid out and engaging. i have really put a lot of theory with my experience with this course and know i understand why sound does what it does. Andrew Lewis - Johnson City, TN

 I have thoroughly enjoyed the course. Being  a disabled pensioner I have had time to work through course at a good pace. The information supplied certainly helped me get a good solid understanding of the industry and what I need to do to be a part of this exciting world of audio engineering. The added insights gained through this course has fired me up even more as I continue to develop my own home studio and to assist others in producing quality recordings to enhance there own careers. Many thanks, Malcolm Pitchford - Gold Coast, Australia

 I'm finishing up the course now and I can attest to one thing it is everything it should be. The stuff I learned in just the first module blew my mind and prepared me for the recording world to the tenth power. I am now the in-house audio engineer for "Devine Records Management, LLC" I highly recommend this course with serious thumbs up - Shondo ?

"Peter Miller has hit some home runs in the music industry and this course is no exception. The course delivered deep subjects in edible portions flavored with a refreshing splash of humor. Mr. Miller doesn't just cover the what and how of it all, he gets to the why. As an engineer you must understand this well to succeed now and in the years to come." Rodney Haszinger, Tuscon, TX

I work in the Sound department of a commercial production house for all forms of advertising in Nairobi Kenya. That’s TV, Radio and Print. I also toured with several bands to do gigs in festivals such as The North sea Jazz festival among others. This course made me a better sound engineer, sound designer and music composer. Moses Njuguna - Nairobi, Kenya.

This course is phenomenal. I've learned so much in such short period and geez, I thought I knew something before... This course is one of the best things that has happened in my life. Hannu Lepisto - Helsinki, Finland

Pete, this course is absolutely amazing. Thank you for being the best!! Vishal Umadas - Markham, Canada

I've managed to land a job working part time as a producer/engineer at Light Force Studios in Richland, WA and it's been the best experience. It's been my dream to be producer for years and I would not be living it if it weren't for this program. Easy to understand, comprehensive, and aimed at developing those passionate for the arts. I'm very grateful and can't wait for my diploma! Thanks again. Israel Vasquez - Kennewick, WA

Hello Peter, Thank you very much for this course! I really enjoyed it all the way through, it has helped me to get in this business and I would recommend it to anyone. Francisco Aquino - Doral, FL

Can't tell you how much I learned from the course, but I can definitely tell you that it has enlightened me so much. Words are insufficient to express my gratitude and all I can say now is THANK YOU! - Andrew Chan, Kowloon, China

It's a great feeling to graduate the course. I had fun learning and definitely helps me learn the basics of sounds etc. Definitely will recommend the course to my friends, and will definitely sign up for SIRE. Thank you so much to Mr Peter Miller and AIA for for setting up this course. Amazing job well done! Just to let you know that the diploma has arrived. Once again, i want to say a heartful thanks for the course and lessons given. It's a stepping stone for me right now to venture into the audio industry with the knowledge i've obtain through your course. Thank you so much to Mr Peter Miller and all those in AIA. It's an honour. Rossidi Mohammad Rizwan - Singapore

I would like to thank you and AIA for this amazing audio engineering course which it helped brightened some areas which I didn't fully understand in my field as a audio engineer. Josiah Hanjei - Papua new Guinea

I'm teaching Recording Arts In The University in Sri Lanka as a permanent lecturer. I learned audio from Your Institute. Thanks a lot.Charudaththe Illangasinghe. Colombo, Sri Lanka

Want to say that the course is hands down when it comes to to Knowledge of the the so-called Music Industry! I wish you nothing but Love & success! Clifton Lee Ellis, Milwaukee, WI

Hi Peter and thank You for this magnificent course - feeling much more confident and professional. The course was very important to me in every way. To have a diploma, from respected school gives me more career opportunities. My last album was iTunes editor's choice here in Finland and most sold alternative album for two days (top ten overall) here and is gaining lot of airplay on FM's and on-line radios all over the world. After going through this great course, I'm more able to produce better sounding next album. Hannu Lepistö - Finland

I just wanted to say, that I really enjoyed the course, it's very comprehensive and I like the fact, that it also includes the most important analog basics. I think your course is a great literature reference, which I will have with me to look up details from time to time. Matthias Roos - Saarbrücken, Germany

Your course/curriculum is amazing. Biju M. Veetil - United Arab Emirates

Dear Mr. Peter Miller, I very grateful to you and the AIA Course which I did in the year 2002 . Thanks to this course that I am working at the National Broadcasting TV Station(MBC) for the last 8 years and now I would like my son to do the same course. Yours faithfully Deven Makhan - Mauritius

Thank you Mr. Miller.  I had a ball learning the different lessons at my own pace. That really made things easier. The mixing techniques I learned in this coarse have my mixes sounding very professional.    I really enjoyed learning about the eq techniques, the compression and reverb. Roderic Bessard - Fresno, CA

I am a music teacher that will be starting a music production class next fall focusing on both live audio and some recording audio techniques. I have learned very much from this course, and plan to pass on my knowledge to my high school students. Corey Bergdorf - Austin, TX

I'm very happy and proud to have studied with AIA, all other schools are sinking sand. Grateful now and always. Blessed Obot - Port Harcourt, NIgeria

The course has been amazing. I am only half way through and have learnt so much. I now need to put what I learnt into practice. Mark McCaskill, Moriac - Australia

I want to thank you for great job and really good course! I'm very happy that had gained new knowledge! I became stronger in defined aspects. I am confident that this knowledge will help me in the future when i will create serious professional studio. Oleksandr Ilkaiev, Zaporizhia - Ukraine


Thank you for this great recording course! Christian Salunga - Penang, Malaysia

I'm very satisfied with the content of the course. It's a great mixture of valuable information and humor. I really enjoy it. Vuk Jovanovic, Mis - Serbia

Im really enjoying the course and think it provides straightforward and practical explanations. - JimmyJoyce, Springfield MA

I love this course. So many of the complicated topics are made so simple. Kylee Standiford - Louisville, KY

Excellent course and I wish I had taken this course many years ago. RICHARD KNEELAND ESQ. - POMFRET CENTER, CT






I had no money to go to Full Sail or any school in the states to accomplish my engineering and get my diploma.... and guess what....AIA was the answer! Noel   Rodriguez, Puerto Pico

Thank you for sharing this wide range of knowledge with me, I'll cherish it always - Thomas M Bly - Lake Butler, FL

The course has been very helpful to my growth as a composer and record producer - David L Bell Jr, St. Louis MO

I was offered two jobs after I graduated. I met a guy who says he paid almost $60,000 for his son to go to school at Full Sail - he doesn't know a third of what I know. Talaferrio Tucker, Concord NC 28025The best correspondence course ever made, straight forward and simple to understand - Brian Ezell Hunt - Detroit, MI

Great course, easy to understand and very useful! Monique Coverson- Columbus GA

Love this course, very informational... even for someone who thinks they know what they're doing! Michelle Bailey, Amarillo TX

Very satisfied with the course; I've really learned a lot - Carel Koekemoer - Paris, France

Loving this course. I have learned so much. Thank you so much!! Roger McGuire - Wexford, Ireland

The course was exceptional - Kelly Marie Riker - Morganville, NJ

Your course has been a fulfillment of my dreams - Phillip R Bennington - Dayton, OH

Amazing material! - Paul Beaudry, Ottawa, Canada

Easy to read and understand. I'd taken a previous audio class in college, this course covers that info and much more - Darius Deon Wesber - Los angeles, CA

Good course, certainly glad I invested in it - Robyn Nicole Wolf - Round Lake Beach, IL

It's an  excellent course;  I've already recommended it to my friends - Raymond l Munoz - Kingsville, TX

I love the course.  I tried different courses - you are offering an incredible course - Miguel J Fernandez - Guaynabo, PR

Thanks for creating such a wonderful program - Prasad Bandusena - Delgoda, Sri Lanka

This was simply the best course for me - Shon O'Neal Harding - Powder Springs, GA

It's a perfect course - Eugene Wesley McNamara - Passage West, Ireland

An excellent course. Mic chapters especially good - Richard D Welch - Stockton, CA

I have never enjoyed anything so much. I wish i'd done it a long time ago - Tina Broadbent - Chadds Ford, PA

Good course - well laid out - Gordon A Barrett - Floral City, FL

Very well written and easy to understand - Anthony Woglesby - Yuba, CA

I was very impressed with the layout - Timothy E Temple -  Selah, WA

You are great! Keep the info flowing - Harold Wayne Thomley - Newton, AL

Really great course.  Very detailed. Great job. It is awesome. There is simply no better - Corey Wayne Hoag - Victorville, CA

Your procedures for setting up compressors/noise gates are better than the manufacturers  - Roosevelt Martin - Chicago, IL

Excellent and easy to understand - Jose A Zelaya - Los Angeles, CA

Great info on mic choice and placement; this alone is worth the price of the course - Stephen M Gage - Sterling, AK

Everything is great, very informative and concise - Wade Campbell - Marion, IL

It is an honor to study under someone as knowledged in the industry as yourself. I can only dream of becoming an icon in music like you. - Robert W Wells - Mesa, AZ

Great course, I have learned a lot - Ryan Lepine - Doremy, Canada

Fantastic course.  I'd buy a supplemental dvd on top of the initial tuition - Jonathan M Marchan - Honolulu, HI

Thank you for a great rewarding course - Asger Rasmussen - Arhus, Denmark

Thank you so much for this brilliant course - Gavin Ashton - Southampton, England

Excellent material - Martin Santos - West Palm Beach, FL

Great course. It has all the "meat and guts" of recording engineering - Emilio J Sanseviero - Port Saint Lucie, FL

Excellent course; thank you for this wonderful experience - Louaye Moulayess - San Francisco, CA

I've remixed most of my recordings using this course - they all sound better - I'm very pleased - Jeffrey E Lee - Dumon, NJ

It has helped tremendously - Domenick S Alario - Oakton, VA

I think the course is awesome. Great job! - Roger da Silva - Clark, NJ

Doing a fine job. Increased my skills tremendously. Very informative and useful - Thomas Pernde - Pensacola, FL

I love it! - Josh Olswanger - Boise, ID

Really happy with the course - Heinz Karnitschar - Edmonton, Canada

This course is great - Michael A Dixon - Columbus, GA

The course is well texted with easy comprehension - Robert Earl Roach Jr. - Greenville, NC

Hye Mr Miller, Just a quick thank you for awarding me the diploma, and for introducing me to the world of music production. May your business expand and continue to be an aid to other musicians out there. God Bless!! - Takunda Mapani - Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

I think it is a really great course. I have learned many things. Mok Ka Hang - Macau, China

I think the course is excellent. Thank you for your help. Cody Novak. Haltom City, TX

I really enjoy the course - very informative. Calvin Parker, Thornton CO

This course is great - Michael A Dixon - Columbus, GA

I am absolutely satisfied! - Jay L Tranberg, Victoria, Canada

I think the course is great, it didn't take me long to study it. I will always use this wealth of info for a great reference, thanks. Dean Morrison, Moose Jaw, Canada - 

Thanks, Peter. The course I find is very informative and serves as an excellent resource manual as well. I especially enjoyed the Action-Audio. Again, I am very pleased with AIA and will highly recommend AIA to other people. Jon Remy - Frisco, TX

This course is simply Awesome... Thank You. - Jon D.Ghent, West Hartford CT

I think the course is excellent. I have learned so much from m studies thus far and can't wait to finish. overall I give the program a 10 out of 10 stars. Frank J. Donato, Norwich, CT

If i were to describe the course content in one word that would be IMPRESSIVE. Powerful what u have going there i didnt have  the slightest clue what i was missing out on. Goodwill Moyo - Zimbabwe

I am thoroughly enjoying the course. The wide range of info has really helped me to understand concepts that I had struggled to grasp for quite a while. Thanks. Frederick L. McCoy - Greensboror, NC

Am really glad I took course,has helped me understand a lot more than what i knew, is simple and easy to understand and learn will PG be of benefit to me in my music profession - Leora Shear, Edenvale, South Africa

I especially like the fact that the course covers mic techniques and advice for recording not only the instruments that are most used in popular music but also classical or more orchestral   instruments. My main goal is not to become a recording engineer but a composer and performer able to produce good quality recordings of my own music and I have a classical music background.

This is a really in depth course, but this course has already been very helpful for me, as a composer and performer, to produce better recordings and demos. I´m relatively new to recording and music production so I´ve also been studying a music production course specific to the sequencer that I use, Logic pro 9, so now I´m able to directly apply what I´m learning on the AIA course to my sequencer.

Best Wishes and thank you for this wonderful course. Catia Louro - Portugal

I think your course is great!.. it teaches JUST the necessary.. Very technical and interesting. I've learned so much. Thank you. Jeremy Gabriel Silva Green - Asuncion, Portugal

Thank you for all that was taught, it was invaluable to me starting my own independent record label that has already produce 5 albums and 4 mix tapes and numerous singles for other artists. As a DJ I thought I had extensive knowledge about engineering and producing, AIA  took me to the next level. The knowledge I gained  through AIA made it possible for me to produce musical products that went straight to major radio stations in Atlanta Georgia the next day after it was released and are now being played in Europe. AIA will help any aspiring producer or engineer achieve their goals, mine is a Grammy nomination and I actually think I have one or two now. Thanks AIA for excellent training!  David Jennings — Midland, GA

As regards the course, I'm totally and immensely enjoying it! The depth of information contained in it and the way you present it are really re-shaping my audio recording paradigms!  I am suddenly aware of so much more in the audio world, and I pay a lot more attention to certain details now. and I'm not even halfway through yet! knowledge is indeed power! Best regards Oluseyi Ayankogbe, Lagos - Nigeria

 You have given me something that I so desperately needed and that is you have restored my faith in myself and my fighting spirit and will to reopen my record table and studios and start once again to rebuild the successful music composition,production company I owned. Thank You for your great course and all the knowledge I gained by studying it. I commend you for putting such an informative and well laid out and easy to work with course.  Here in South Africa I was in many bands and made many albums etc singing and then branched out to composing,producing for other artists Danny Sims from the USA who discovered Bob Marley the late and great,Amir Bayan who produced a lot of the late great Michael Jackson's Albums as well as many other well known artists,jingles for radio and TV ( great royalties) I will persist in getting back into the music industry and with more success in every way and also to show you that your course has helped a very disillusioned girl who had lost all hope of ever making it again, regain faith and positivity and a sense of achievement through your course

I will do my best to promote your course to other aspiring talented music addicts who want to get into the industry. Again I Thank You most humbly and gratefully and PG you will see the fruits of your labour through my work in the near future. Best Regards Leora Shear - South Africa

I just want to thank you so much for what you and your course have done for my daughter.  You cannot begin to understand the difficulties she has had to overcome in pursuing this course - being in constant pain, not being able to hold her food down, constantly tired and fighting, fighting, fighting.  She believed in your course and she believed in herself, and her success has boosted her self-confidence so much.  I am very grateful to you, and to your genuine dedication in providing an accredited course of high standard and significance in the audio world.  You have opened up a new door for Leora. — Stan Shear

Your course is laid out very well. I appreciate the humor! The illustrations are very good, as so many don't know what a lot of the vintage gear is or looks like. The audio/visual sections are great... Make me think I should change my position on staying away from pro tools. nuendo, etc. Our approaches differ somewhat, as far as getting drum sounds, but as learning so much anyway! I appreciate the depth you go into each piece of equipment to explain what is normally taken for granted. Craig L Rockett - Birmingham AL

 I graduated from AIA in the early 90s. After I finished I started working as a recording engineer and producer, built my own studio, and went to work on a Grammy winning recording. Currently I'm pursuing a Doctorate in Jazz Studies at the University of Northern Colorado and also work as the Graduate Assistant of the Music Technology Department. I thank you for everything what I learned from you and for the inspiration I got from being enrolled at AIA. My name is Socrates Garcia - Colorado

 I am very pleased to inform you that  reading and answering the Diploma in Recording Engineer Course has helped me a lot in my day today music compositions and arrangements. Today I feel more knowledgeable about sound while seating amongst my musician friends. AIA COURSE HELPED ME LOT TO IMPROVE MY SKILLS OVER RECORDINGS, MIKINGS, USING EFFECTS AND PROCESSORS AND KNOWLEDGE OF SOUND ENGINEERING Regards, Sidhanath Buyao - India

 I have enjoyed this course and I have learnt plenty. You are a good teacher and your writing, audio and  videos are really good and clear. Thank you for teaching me and showing me the way to do this job thank you very much . Now I am trying to set up my studio and practice what I have learnt from you. When I can do many things then I can start to put the sound proofing and create the studio style. I would like to keep in contact with you, because you are always the master engineer. Thank you . Foday Camara, Venus Bay - Australia

Your class has greatly helped me, especially when reading those big thick technical manuals on studio equipment operation.  I would have been lost without your class. Thanks again Peter.  Pam Lehto in Klamath Falls, Oregon.

I am loving the course! It contains all the info I was seeking to learn. It's incredibly helpful to learn about both analog and digital, even though I will be primarily dealing with digital until I get more experience and money. Ryan Kuite - Winfield, IL

i want to thank u sir for teaching me. through this course i have been able to learn a lot of things to do with sound, recording, and very many other important aspects. I am very grateful for your services may GOD  bless u. one more thing i am now the technical director in my church isn't that wonderful?. i have skills now and when my diploma gets here i will right away look for a studio where i can work and put all you've taught me to practice. i remain your student in Uganda. Kisakye Robert - Kampala, Uganda

I love the course. I appreciate you putting this together. I've struggled since I was 17 trying to make my songs sound good but could not pass certain hurdles until now. I will continue on this path for the rest of my life God willing. Thank you! Vincent Mann, Colorado Springs- CO

I just wanted to say a big thank you for such an awesome course! The experience was one of a kind and the knowledge gained so immense, my clients have begun to marvel at my mixes! God bless you and the entire team real good, and take the institute to even greater heights! Dr Oluseyi Ayankogbe - Lagos, Nigeria

It has been a real great experience to study with this institute. I don't regret. Thanks so much Pete for bringing sound engineering training to our door steps. There is not any paragraph in the lessons that is boring to read. I wish this institute a great future. ZEKA POROTAZIO, SEROWE - BOTSWANA 

Thanks again for creating this course. I achieved 162 points out of 170 so I'm proud of myself for studying and sticking with it. My life has improved significantly now that I've increased my knowledge in the area I am so passionate about. Take care and I wish you all the best. Vincent Mann, Colorado Springs, CO

I feel there are no improvements to be made.  The presentation, style, and depth of material surpasses all expectations.  I give this course afive-out-of-five! Anthony Peek - Danbury, CT

I started the course and am really enjoying it. I can picture myself being a great sound engineer. I would really appreciate any other tips you have for me since you are the godfather of sound to a young one like me. JOHN MUMONAIROBI,KENYA

Thanks to AIA for this awesome course. It is really helpful and easy too. For every kind of students. So much user friendly. Thanks Rajdip Dey _ Kolkata, India

Thank you, it is very reassuring to know the Audio Institute is willing to take the time to let their students know how they did. I am enjoying this course intensely and would recommend it! I am learning quite a bit and very happy to see that the course teaches me about analog equipment and not just digital. Thank you for all you do! Chris Green - Little Britain, Canada

Thank you for the course. I learned a lot about what I didn't know, and what I thought I knew, and even more of what I already knew! Ron Cox -Arroyo Grande, CA

I enjoy your way of teaching, plus your content. Your thought of ever making this program was a light bulb worth the thought. Good job sir - Corey McDonald, Gulfport, MS

Your course is amazing! There is so much im taking in with each lesson. The information is just what AIA said it was, THE BEST. Thank you. Robert Pannell - Dayton, OH

I can't complain about anything with this course. I have learned so much just in the first 3 sections of this course. Thank You for making this course both EXTREMELY INFORMATIVE and affordable. Timothy Brigance - Glen, MS

I think you guys have done a great job with this course! I'm really enjoying it and have been learning a ton of stuff. Frank Mazzarella - Marlborough, MA

I'm loving it and learning a hell of a lot. Liam Dwyer - Orange, Australia

I think the course is awesome!  Bennie Garza, Madera, CA

I curently mix FOH for my church, and I have learned a lot! I have taken our live sound and recording to exellent quality all thanks to this course.  John Leverett - Cleburne, TX

I am glad I finally took up your class. I find it a pleasure to read. I believe these are the thoughts of someone with a great life experience. Emil Lazar,

Excellent course.Very well done. Exceeded my expectations for sure. Haney Moallem - Wabasca, Canada 

Your course Is excellent. I am enjoying every moment of it . Thanks for the opportunity - Linton George Taylor, Black River, Jamaica

Honestly, I wouldn't change a thing.Your course is informative and witty,as well as,carefully organized and worded so that literally anyone could follow along. Plain and simple, it is a truly remarkable course. Jemas R. Novak - Tyrone, PA

Now I work for my own studio. I have to say thank you for you because your class is really good for me and I still use them as a guide line for my recording works. Walter Yu, Hong Kong, China

This is a great course. Thank you for what it has taught me so far and what it will afford me in later years. Christopher Taylor, Dillon, SC

Excellent course. Great for someone with limited time and crazy hours. Nicholas Hoeve, Grand Rapids, MI

The course was right on time. My church was having problems with the sound system and I was able to after completing the course fix the issues. I didn't prior to the course know much about mixing. This course has dramatically improved my abilities as a professional and boosted my confidence. Everett Hagans - Atlanta, GA

i am extremely satisfied with the course content and tests, you don't need to change a thing. a great deal of work went into this course, great job! Stephen McConnell - Centerville, OH

This is the first time i learn lessons so practical and in the same time so deep and rich with informations and experience, thank you for your great model, I have learned many lessons from Ken Lewis, (Audio School Online) but this is far better than that, this the true thing that i need. Temelko Andrew, Veles, Macedonia

I have received my honors diploma today and I just want to thank you and your team once again for the course. It was a great privilege for me to have done the course and I have learnt a lot. Morne Ford.  Protea Park, South Africa

This course i very useful for me. I am learning so many thing. I feel so lucky. Ege Miraç Yavuz - Istanbul, Turkey

You can't imagine how I'm happy now studying at AIA! It was my dream for a long time. I looked briefly at your course and understood: all I was looking on the internet for 5 years and couldn't find, I found here. It's perfect course for me! I'm very happy! When I read, it seems like you're teaching me in real time. And I like your humor. Course is written very lively!  Alexandr Ilkayev, Zaporizhzya, Ukraine

The course is incredible, and so well put together. I've already learned a ridiculous amount and had an internship lined up halfway through the first lesson. Ty Montgomery, Cove - TX

Mr. Miller. It has been an honor having taking your course. I've had a home studio for many years and I have learn many thing and to be honest, I though I knew enough until I took your course. I only regret one thing, not taking your course sooner. Now I feel more confident and use your material as a reference guide. There is nothing in the internet that covers all the details in this course. I am truly satisfy with the whole experience. Thank you so much. Wilfredo Alvarado Jr. - Vineland, N J

I can't complain about the course. I love it, i wish i would have done this sooner. Jose Santiago - Navarre, FL

My studying is now kicking into overdrive.  This is really fun.  With the help of your course, our church worship team is going to rock.  Thanks for all you do. J. Mark Fannin, MD - Gulf Breeze, FL

I think it will be hard to improve this course.For me up to now i can say i really enjoy Learning.Yes i put many hours studying but it Worth. Sincerely Jacques LeFebre - Shawinigan, Canada

Thanks again for the great course! fun, interesting, challenging and so incredibly important!  Finneas O'Connell, Los Angeles, CA

I've received my diploma today. It just looks fantastic. I'm delighted to be an Honor Student of AIA course. It's an excellent course, a true manual every recording engineer should have at hand at all times. I've enjoyed studying every lesson in the course and that I could take it at my own pace. With the help of your course I've fitted the missing puzzles of the sound engineering in their places, so the picture is now complete. Thank you! Mitja Ozis, Celje - Slovenia

This course was a blast!  I would like to thank you for providing the course and filling it with such detail. What I liked most about the course, was that everything was straightforward and clear. Thanks again. Michael Fehr - High Prairie, Canada

Your course have been absolutely great! Rossidi Mohammad Rizwan - Singapore

I can only say now i know what to buy, the knowledge i have now is is far more than all the wasted 10 years of trial and error.The journey has been awesome so far I have learnt a lot of things in just under a week, knowledge that I was sincerely desiring for the past 10 years. Leroy Smart - Botswana

I Really Learned So Much. This Manual is going to be Read For Years Julius Ames - Adairsville, GA

Love this education! Micaela - A Fulton, MO

Great course. Love the way it progresses. Jesse Jacques - Denver CO

Great school Pete I am excited with what you have to offer. The course is a bomb......Good Job. David Ferry - Amherst, OH

Great program. I have learned so much and it really is a bible on record engineering. Branden Seguin

This has been without a doubt the best experience of my life so far. I can finally say I am a sound engineer with my head held high and its all because of you Mr miller, I wish nothing but the best for the school and I hope many more engineers are molded to perfection by it. Frank Zyambo - Zambia

With my experience as a sound engineer in CMCM,i never knew there is so much for me to learn in AIA,i gain so much in the area of  live recording and i thank God for knowing AIA ,AIA is the best platform for audio students in the world because is cheap and very effective. Adedigba Emmanuel - Lagos, Nigeria

Thank you again for the outstanding learning materials. I couldn't be more pleased. Steve Andriese

I spent over 20 years taking college and post-grad level courses getting my Masters degree. I would say you have put most of those courses to shame with the quality of your program. Well done. Steve Andriese - Ripon, CA

The course rocks. Mkhulisi Ncube, Bulawayo - Zimbabwe

Great Course! I have learnt a lot of new things. The best course I have taken. Juan Carlos Martinez Viteri - Cuautla, Mexico

I just received my diploma certificate and mate I just want to say,thank you very much, you and your hard working staff for investing your time and knowledge in putting all these lessons together for people like me to learn. I now feel more confident in what I'm doing because it's no longer what I call a through experience career but now i'am a qualified engineer. I have been working without any qualification in this studio for years,but now that, I got my certificate right in front of me, I feel more confident. Thank you once again,God bless you! Raymond Waioloki, Papua New Gunea

Thank you for the incredible course. Very well done. It exceeded all my expectations. Great course at a great price. Steve Andriese - Ripon, CA

I really like the emphasizing on "traditional" skills" as well as modern stuff. Jos Lenior - Edam, Netherlands

My name is Gibson from south africa, I did my recording engineEring with AIA. It's an honor to be one of the students of AIA I started recording engineering in 2003 with no knowledge of music using sound on sound magazines, until I finally found AIA which gave me more confidence on my field of work. most of the artist I have recorded, have been nominated for different awards since I did my diploma in 2013 with AIA. I recently received a call from one of the best music promoters in south africa who acknowledged my work and its all because of AIA. AIA you are the best. Gibson S.T Letsoalo -  South Africa

I love your course, taught me a great deal. Mario Tivanovac - Virivitica, Croatia

I want to tell you. I am very, VERY happy! I am learning so much! I think I am very lucky. How could I ever know all the things that you yourself learned and taught yourself? I think you are a genius... a real genius. So thank you for giving me a chance to learn at such a great price. I spent about $10,000 dollars having a pro engineer mix my music. I listened very carefully to what he did with my songs, but I could never figure out exactly how he did it. The biggest things I learned that made a HUGE difference in my mixes was when I used your technique of digital delaying vocals 27milliseconds and panning to stereo... and using 19ms on left and 27ms on right to make the vocals sound better. And... I delayed my kick drum by 10ms and it really made the bass guitar sound separate and distinct from the kick... yet the kick was still in time. Amazing!!! I learned so much more, but once I could hear my vocal track starting to sound like the famous music engineer's... I was so THRILLED! Richard Young - Tallahasse, FL

I would like to thank you for creating this coarse. It has been extremely informative and i now feel more confident about making better recordings with my new understanding of sound. Gerald Linster - Las Vegas, NV

This is really great course and I enjoyed it very much. Josip Vuletic -  Croatia

This course is very informative. I own a lot of rack units and never really knew how to use them, i.e., compressors, noise gate, patch bay, etc. etc. I can't think of anything that would improve this course. Paul Goughary - Binghampton, NY

I'm delighted to tell you that I received my diploma a few weeks ago and landed a internship at a local well respected Studio in the Milwaukee area!  John Jenkins - West Allis, WI

I think this course is incredible! Thanks Mr. Miller! I have attached my first Mix after studying your course. I never heard my music ever sound this good before. Richard Young - Tallahassee, FL

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone at Audio Institute of America! I felt needed to learn some new techniques and decided to go back to school for engineering. After a long period of investigating schools i decided on Audio institute of America and glad i did! I finished the course in just about 3 months and boy did i learn a lot. I can’t say enough about what you’ll learn for the amazing price they offer. It’s very intuitive and well thought out. Michael Hordorwich, Chicago IL

I've bought many many books but no one so complex and friendly like your lessons. Doru Marian Dima - Romania

I'm very satisfied with your program and have learned allot since being enrolled. Plan to visit Fame Recording Studio In Muscle Shoals Al when I graduate. Juan V Hozan - Aberdeen MS

This program is very detailed for anyone at any level. Great job guys! Roger Arenas, San ANtonio - TX

I personally thank you for all training. Before this course I was the worst knob-dobbler in the field and when i was on part 2 I recorded some tracks and wow my quality was higher than ever…. I'm excited to hear my quality after the course. thanks so much AIA - Claude Shelton, Johnson City, TN

I am thoroughly enjoying this course and I am excited to start my career ASAP! - Thomas Mastrokalos, Oakville, Canada

I just wanted to say thank you. I recently completed the course. It has changed the way I record music, do live sound and most of all, I listen to recorded music in a way I have never listened to it before. I went digital about 6 years ago. I always wondered why my recordings sounded "ok" but they never sounded "right" until taking your course. So thank you again, your course has been a wonderful and life changing experience! Darryl Dorton - Hammond, IN

I was living in Germany and studying at the SAE Institute Berlin but I still wanted to reinforce my studies with your knowledge (Peter Miller). There are things and tips in your course that one can´t find anywhere else. Daniel Jairala Hes - Samborondon, Equador

I wish to appreciate your high level of generosity for making available the rich information in the AIA course for sound engineers and music producers. I would say that the AIA course is a 360 degree exposition of the audio world. Thanks. Sincerely, Abhulimen Ose Sylvester - Port Harcourt, Nigeria

The course is excellent and is giving me exactly what I was looking for. Kevin Zibell - Mount Helen, Australia

This course has really increased my knowledge in every aspect and I like how you'll have provided business related information too which is very helpful. The action audio section of this course is really amazing too. Elroy Fernandes - Mumbai, India

It's a beautiful course - Stone George, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

I am very glad to have had the honor of speaking with you. As usual, with people of your prestige, I thought I would be talking to the "Management", a Secretary, or probably a Personal Assistant. A very big thank you. Regarding the volume of materials inherent in the package - compared to quite a number of other schools I also came across online during my research. Schools set out to abuse & exploit ones ambition and/or passion. Alex PInhero - Yan Jiao, China

Wonderful! Thanks a million! Excellent course, learned a lot and appreciate all the advice and information you've shared to help those wishing to broaden their knowledge of the awesome world of recording engineering. Pondaza Santiel - Mesa, AZ

This is the first time i learn lessons so practical and in the same time so deep and rich with informations and experience, thank you for your great model, I have learned many lessons from Ken Lewis, (Audio School Online) but this is far better than that, this the true thing that i need. Temelko Andrew, Veles, Macedonia

To me this is rain on the desert! Khufu Kambui - Plainville, MA

I want to thank you for your course, it has helped me tremendously and I am more confident than I ever was before. i have been approached already and was asked if I would train a few people at the churches. Kind Regards, Morne Ford, Rustenberg, South Africa

This course really doesn't need any improvement. Its easy to follow along and if I ever run into any problems in the studio I can always refer back to the lessons. This is a very great course. Jaremy Parrott - Chesterfield, VA

I have learned a lot from the course... I‘m always going through my manual before I setup the sound systems at our church. AIA really helped me a lot. After learning the important principles in mixing and proper gain structure, it‘s much easier now to optimize our systems and our church members appreciate the big improvement. Michael Medico - Sharjah, Unite Arab Emirates


These letters come from people like you who had an interest in recording. We are proud of these students, and their comments show what can be done by those who set their goals high and go after what they want.